Happy Cacao
The passion for chocolate
My love for chocolate began as soon as my first chocolate cake baked in my Easy-Bake Oven came out of the oven... I was 4 years old then... My passion for tasting fine chocolate bars began in 1998 with the discovery of artisanal bars made from cocoa beans from a single origin; what a joy to be able to compare, side by side, chocolate bars made from beans grown in Tanzania, in Central America or in Madagascar!!! It was literally love at first sight when I realised the diversity of aromas that could be obtained just by changing the origin of the beans!!!
Continually searching for exceptional chocolates, I became interested in the growth of the "Bean-to-Bar" movement and I began to taste everything I could find on the market...unconsciously nourishing the dream to make my own chocolate bars someday.
It is with great pride that I now offer you my creations, which I hope, will bring you as much joy and satisfaction as they arouse in me.
Have a good chocolate tasting!!!
Welcome to my world,
Happy Monica, artisan chocolatier.